
Thank you so much for your support. The Church of England is almost entirely financed by the generous giving of people like you, and is probably the largest body of volunteers in country. We simply could not be a church without your generous offering of time, talents and treasure. We encourage regular members of the church to contribute to the vision of the church and the activities associated with it in whatever way you can. Check out our get involved page to see where we need your talents.

You can give financially to the work of St Thomas’ in many different ways. However, before doing so, we encourage you to pray at length about this important decision, to try to discern the right amount for you. This decision may also involve other members of your family. Our preferred method of giving is through the Parish Giving Scheme. This is because it involves greatly reduced admin, and comes at no extra cost to you or the church. If you would like to give to our church, please click here to visit the Parish Giving Scheme website, click “Find your parish”, search for “Garstang St Thomas” and click “Find Your Church”, then click through to enter your giving details.

If the Parish Giving Scheme is not for you, here are the other ways you can give:

1) On Sundays: In the offertory plates placed around the church, or by the card reader.

2) Regular Giving by Standing order: Please set up the payment using online banking. If you are a UK tax payer please consider Gift Aiding your donation by completing this form which will enable us to claim an additional 25% on your donation. Please return it to our vicar or our treasurer (contact details available here). Our bank account details are: A/C No.04977653 Sort Code 01-03-33 in the name of PCC St Thomas Churchwardens.

3) A one-off donation: Can be made by direct transfer into our bank account, details are A/C No.04977653 Sort Code 01-03-33 in the name of PCC St Thomas Churchwardens.